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3 augusti

subject to change.

more details to come.

guided tours & clinics/workshops start from the big blue flag at the expo area between the top lift and jbp hotel unless otherwise stated. info is available in the järvsö bike festival's information tent outside the jbp shop.

pre-registration is required for guided tours & clinics/workshops - via link below for selected activity or in järvsö bike festival's information tent. If there are too few participants, individual activities may be cancelled.


You can buy bike rental and Lift Card järvsö bike park here .

You can buy the Trail Pass for Cykla Järvsö here .

sign up for our rides using this link:


gravel morning with camilla clarkson and malva björkman - girls only

suitable for you who enjoy cycling on gravel roads, "social tempo", gravel/mtb bike ok!

ends at the champagne bar with breakfast and some bubbles, (non-alc obviously, we're biking 😉)

presented by scott and womens bike joy

- pre-registration is required no later than Friday 2 August.

festival pass


lift open

lift pass

Full face helmet mandatory in Järvsö Bike park


expo area open - in front of jbp hotel

open to all


Clinic/workshop - easy bike care for everyday life with

- Meeting place in the tent at the expo area

festival pass


E-mtb ride with husqvarna and gas gas

festival pass


Book DH clinc level medium ( red / black ) with BetterMTB at a discounted festival price!
Book here!


Book DH clinc level medium ( red / black ) with BetterMTB at a discounted festival price!
Book here!


guided ride with trail/mtb technique tips for children aged 7 and up with Järvsöguiderna

festival pass + trail pass


clinic/workshop - suspension tuning/setup beginner level
- Meeting place in dämparbrevs tent on the expo area.

festival pass


clinic/workshop - suspension tuning Advanced level/bracketing

- Meeting place in the huck2flats tent on the expo area.

festival pass


Guided tour mtb/trail - green / blue level with Järvsöguiderna

festival pass + trail pass


Social ride downhill with Elina Davidsson from Scott - girls only
green level

festival pass + lift pass & full face helmet


pump track skills - from 7 years - sharpen your skills with Järvsöguiderna

festival pass


pump track skills - from 7 years - sharpen your skills with Järvsöguiderna

festival pass


guided ride - long ride on the red trails of Skästraberg, with technique tips.

festival pass + trail pass


Social ride downhill with Elina Davidsson & Matthias Wengelin from Scott -

red / black level

festival pass + lift pass & full face helmet


MTB technique with Camilla Clarksson from scott & Womens Bike Joy

girls only

festival pass + trail pass

1400 - 1530

Guided ride mtb/trail for teens - blue / red level with Järvsöguiderna

festival pass + trail pass


Guided ride mtb/trail for teens - blue / red level with Järvsöguiderna

festival pass + trail pass


lake jump - stone boat harbor

astray? Here is a map!

festival pass for participation, free for the public

Järvsö lanthandel fixes great jaws and a good atmosphere!


järvsö bike festival party at långhans

(the champagne bar's new nightclub)

free entry with festival pass.

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